How I Cleared My AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam in a Week

How I Cleared My AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam in a Week

Embarking on a journey to earn an AWS Cloud Practitioner certification can be both exciting and daunting. With the vast array of services and concepts to grasp, efficient study resources are crucial. In my pursuit of this certification, I discovered ExamPro training material, and within just one week, I successfully navigated through the exam with confidence.

The Decision to Pursue AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification

As someone deeply invested in the field of cloud computing, obtaining the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification was a natural progression for me. Recognized globally, this certification validates foundational cloud knowledge and opens doors to numerous career opportunities within the AWS ecosystem.

Discovering ExamPro Training Material

While researching study resources, I stumbled upon Andrew Brown and ExamPro, a comprehensive platform offering specialized training for AWS certifications. What appealed to me was its structured approach and focus on exam readiness. With limited time at my disposal, I needed a resource that could efficiently cover the essential topics and provide ample practice questions. Also, the course is available on freecodecamp youtube channel. I have attached the link on the below image.

Week-Long Intensive Study Plan

Day 1-2: Understanding AWS Fundamentals

I began my journey by immersing myself in the fundamentals of AWS. The video lectures provided concise explanations of core services, architectural principles, and the AWS global infrastructure. Concepts such as EC2, S3, IAM, and billing models were elucidated in a manner that was both easy to grasp and retain.

Day 3-4: Diving Deeper into Service Offerings

With a solid foundation in place, I delved deeper into AWS service offerings. From databases and networking to security and compliance, the content left no stone unturned. Each service was dissected, accompanied by real-world scenarios and best practices, enhancing my understanding of their practical applications.

Day 5-6: Practice Makes Perfect

As the exam date loomed closer, I dedicated ample time to practice questions. The extensive question bank from AWS SkillBuilder and Exampro simulated the exam environment, allowing me to gauge my readiness and identify areas needing further review. I made it a point to revisit weak areas and reinforce my understanding through additional study materials.

Day 7: Final Review and Exam Day Preparation

On the eve of the exam, I conducted a comprehensive review of key concepts and exam tips provided by ExamPro. Armed with confidence and a solid understanding of the material, I approached the exam center with a sense of readiness.

Success on Exam Day

Thanks to the rigorous preparation facilitated by ExamPro, I tackled the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam with ease. The questions mirrored those encountered during my practice sessions, instilling a sense of familiarity and confidence. As I clicked the final submit button, a wave of relief washed over me, knowing that I had successfully conquered this milestone in my cloud journey. The result obtained is as follows:


In just one week, Andrew Brown and ExamPro proved to be an invaluable companion on my quest for AWS Cloud Practitioner certification. Its structured approach, comprehensive content, and realistic practice questions played a pivotal role in my success. For anyone looking to fast-track their preparation and achieve exam readiness in a short span of time, ExamPro emerges as a definitive choice. With this certification under my belt, I now embark on the next leg of my cloud computing odyssey, armed with newfound knowledge and confidence.